Tuesday, December 14, 2010

P-G: Mt. Lebanon approves tax decrease

Mt. Lebanon taxes will decrease slightly for residents after the commission passed a budget Monday night that lowers the real estate tax.

The commission voted 4-0 to pass the budget, which reduces the real estate tax rate from 4.89 mills to 4.76 mills. Commissioner Dan Miller was not present at the meeting.

The 2011 spending plan recommended by municipal Manager Steve Feller in November proposed increasing property taxes by 0.48 mills to fund the street reconstruction program.

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Blogger Bill Matthews said...

We don't see waste at the Municipality like Dr. Steinhauer's private bathroom in the new high school. But we do see a Commission so focused on managing millage, it is not maintaining our Community infrastructure, just like the "old" high school.

Recently, I heard the Municipality said the Tennis Center roof leaked because of the heavy rains. NO --- the Tennis Center roof leaked because it has not been maintained.

As hard as a Municipal tax increase it to handle, in large part because actions of the School Board, we must maintain our infrastructure. Gutting street reconstruction and/or deferring other required maintenance in favor of short sighted millage goals is --- short sighted.

December 14, 2010 8:14 AM  

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