Thursday, August 11, 2005

Mt. Lebanon Roundup in the 8/11 P-G

I've heard it said that the Post-Gazette has it in for Mt. Lebanon. Judge for yourself. Unfair bias, or just a lot going on in town?

-- Lebo 911 is between a budgetary rock and a hard place.

-- The school board was caught napping on user fees proposed by District staff.

-- The Commission is getting ready to approve a five-year wish list of capital improvement projects, including a new $5 million swim complex that might include a "lazy river," whatever that is. Doesn't Pittsburgh already have a few lazy rivers?

-- The Commission is taking a watch-and-wait approach to TaserGate (The Police Department has a video that allegedly backs up its officers -- but it won't release the video. Holding back the proof is straight out of the standard trial lawyer's playbook, but it's terrible PR.)

-- and the paper runs this curiously weak-kneed editorial praising the Auditor General's review of the School District. "Despite the scolding from Harrisburg, there is little chance that the Mt. Lebanon school board or the departed top administrator will suddenly detail why their costly parting occurred." Little chance, that is, unless a newspaper presses the illegality of the confidentiality stipulation in court.
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Blogger Matt C. Wilson said...

I think there's a bit of healthy smackdown in the hearts and minds of the PG when it comes to Mt. Lebo. When it comes to all the bloodthirsty psychopaths we seem to keep spawning, how can you not? SableGate is just icing on the cake.

IMHO: the "aquatic center" is our bid to once again give the raspberry to USC and Fox Chapel, despite the fact that (like I said in my earlier comment) we're really running out of room to add that sort of stuff. So also are the elementary school "renovations" a hope at glimpsing the sort of brand new school development that Peters, USC, and heck even Dormont have done.

Lebo 911 - oh, boo hoo, we have to partner with county services? We may have to consider tying the fate of MtL to that of the region at large? Just makes the gross expenditure on the Public Safety building stick out that much more.

ok, rant over. :)

August 11, 2005 3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

• Carol Walton explains the board didn't comprehend all the ramifications of the new user fees.
• Yesterday (8/12), in the televised school board meeting it was exposed that the latest plans for the HS pool don't meet local building codes!!! I'm sorry, but wouldn't that have been the first criteria in designing the building?
• The auditor general finds the contract for Sable was poorly negotiate for not having any stipulations regarding early termination of the contract.
• The elementary school remodeling is what now... $5-7 million over budget because of "unforseen" complications and escalating cost.
There seems to be a pattern here... and yet this board wants us to entrust them with our kids education and money!!!
Thank god, at least some of the board will be removed come November.

August 17, 2005 4:45 PM  

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