Sunday, October 30, 2005

Lebo: Superintendent Legislation

State Rep. Tom Stevenson has offered a bill in Harrisburg to correct what he sees as the abuses associated with last year's separation agreement between the School District and the former Superintendent. The core provision would require public disclosure of the reasons for terminating a superintendent; other provisions would limit the length of contracts that could be offered new hires with no superintendent experience and would specify the kinds of contract terms that go into superintendent employment contracts.

It's a "never again" kind of bill, and it's hard to see the harm from enacting it. But it's also a little hard to see the benefit. I appreciate the fact that our local state Rep. wants to look helpful here, but I think that this is a situation where we get a remedy even without a new law. The Margery Sable episode got so much publicity around the state that a future school board would have to be uniquely witless to repeat the errors that we saw locally.

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Blogger Mike Madison said...

Bill Matthews emailed the following comment to me after trying -- unsuccessfully -- to post it directly:
"This is a classic legislative initiative to close the door after the barn has already emptied out and before the voters return to the polls in the spring primary.

Mike is right, the legislation is not necessary and is the kind of activity that consumes substantial resources in Harrisburg. If we had fewer meaningless legislative initiatives, we would need fewer legislators and staffers, and we would be better for it.
Bill Matthews"

October 31, 2005 8:53 AM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...


November 01, 2005 9:00 PM  

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