Thursday, October 20, 2005

Master Plan For Mt. Lebanon High School

There is another article in the Post-Gazette today that talks about the various repairs / replacements that are needed for the high school and the committee that is being formed to gather data in order to create a master plan

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The board has $1.3 million in cash to put toward the list, an $800,000 surplus from the 2004-05 budget created by cost-saving measures put into place by Superintendent George Wilson and $500,000 from the district's fund balance."

Can someone in the know please fill me in on what cost-saving measures Dr. Wilson implemented? I don't recall ever hearing about this before and I'm curious as to what he did. Thanks!

October 20, 2005 6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the most important thing is that the youth of Mt Lebanon get a good education so that they don't end up joining the military and getting killed or maimed in Iraq.

October 26, 2005 2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, the most important thing is the Mt. Lebanon kids get a good enough education to make their own decisions. And hopefully, barring any interference from Marxist groups like the ACLU, and other latter day hippie activists bent on ruining our country, the Lebo education will actually include some background on U.S. history, including radical concepts like liberty, freedom, personal responsibility and maybe the Constitution.
Also, it's a bit silly to assert, as the last post does, that only uneducated people join the military. Not so. Of course, the poster wouldn't know that since it's much easier to traipse through life with limited information. That way, one does not actually have to think and form opinions of their own.

October 27, 2005 9:45 AM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...

Once more:
Play nice in the Comments, or I will suspend anonymous posting.

October 27, 2005 6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the Blog-Lebo is great. It enabled a forum for discussion that hasn't existed before.

Why are people not able to post opinions on some of these topics?

Why was Jo's ghetto comment deleted?

Why was Jo's 'set the record straight comment deleted? How was it 'mis information'? Did someone sign in under her name?

There are some pretty tough comments from Jo that haven't been deleted. Something about stay at home moms or something.

I'm a little disappointed that my post under another topic was deleted. It wasn't misinformation. It was an opinion.

October 27, 2005 8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw another comment that was supposed to be from 'josephine' and I must admit that it doesn't appear to be from her. Mike Madison definately has the right to delete some of those messages.

October 27, 2005 8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon, the ACLU was founded by communists, but it is made up mostly of Libertarians. Why would you say that schools don't teach anything about the Constitution and then slam the ACLU? They aren't concerned with the ideological purity of their organization, and neither should we be similarly concerned with our youth becoming "hippies" or thought criminals.

October 27, 2005 9:21 PM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...

The alleged "Josephine" who posted a Comment was not, in fact, Jo Posti; it was an impostor. So I removed that comment. Since you were responding to the impostor, I deleted yours as well -- not because you were expressing an inappropriate point of view (you weren't), but because your response indirectly gave credibility to the impostor. The impostor is to blame; you're not.

As to the original post and followup comments: we're trying to find a balance of content that discourages anonymous abuse and encourages constructive dialogue. It's a work in progress.

Hopefully, the excessive and inflammatory comments will stop, and we can go back to having a good conversation. You're welcome to continue to post your opinions; I'm going to continue to watch out for abuse.

Thanks for reading.

October 27, 2005 10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Furthermore, Anon, the "red states", being Conservative, don't contribute as much in taxes as the "blue states". These awful, Left-Wing people that are 'trying to ruin the country' are paying for the war!

It's just like with the School Board: The so-called "tax and spend" liberals plant the tree, while the Conservatives get the shade.

October 27, 2005 11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The left must love having you in their corner. Following their script to the letter, you just won't let pesky facts get in the way of hyperbole.
First of all, I don't know how the red state/blue state issue pertains to my concern with education. But since you brought it up, and also parroted the liberal line about how the left contributes more, here we go...
If you actually take the time to research revenue collected by the IRS in 2004--individual income tax, estates taxes, etc--you will find hard numbers. The "blue" states, which include something like 70 percent of the nation's population, contributed (okay, it was taken by the IRS) roughly $1.1. trillion. The "red" states, the ones you claim aren't giving their fair share, somehow managed to eke out jsut over $900 billion. My, what a disparity. So it seems that those who support the war are actually paying their fair share. What's also interesting to note is that of the nation's 100 wealthiest individuals, 90 percent live in blue states. Hmm...How is it, Lloyd, that with all that wealth in those 18 states that the other states come pretty close to even? You did make one valid comment, though it appears to have been facetious. The people I mention, the ones I believe are ruining the country, are helping to pay for the war. There you are correct. But again, so is everyone else, including the majority of the country who voted for the President...and put a majority of Republicans in the Senate...and the House...and install Republican governors in most states...Need I go on?

October 28, 2005 8:54 PM  

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