Saturday, May 20, 2006

Lebo: Public Library Brouhaha

I can't put my hands on a link right away (there are pieces in the most recent Almanac that don't seem to be online yet), but Mt. Lebanon Public Library partisans are up in arms over what they perceive as an attempt by the municipality to "take over" the library.

As I understand the matter, the short version is that the Mt. Lebanon Commission proposes that an employee of the municipality sit on the Library Board. The Library Board perceives this as a conflict of interest, at the least, and as an effort to take over the Library's budget process, and more (I think), at worst.

I'll let those with more and better information share it in the comments.

Where does the Library's budget come from?

UPDATE: Thanks to one of the commenters for this link to The Almanac's coverage.
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Blogger Bill Matthews said...

On the MTL home page – Municipal Manger Steve Feller says “Our public library is recognized as one of the best in the state.” Steve is exactly right and it is because of the professional and dedicated staff AND the equally dedicated Board AND the exceptionally committed Friends of the MTL Library AND last but not least, the very high expectations of the Community.

To answer Mike’s question - Where does the ($1.45MM annual) budget come from?

The 2005 Library Operating Budget at a glance:

MTL 55.2%
RAD Funds 24.7%
PA 8.0%
Other 12.1%

Personnel 78.3%
Collections 14.6%
Other 7.1%

Additionally, the Municipality contributes the building and related costs.

On to the issue - -

According to The Almanac – The Commission rejected three residents in favor of the Assistant Manager, who did not even apply for the position. The Assistant Manager does have relevant experience and meaningful qualifications having worked many years in government finance and currently is one of only seven members of the national Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

Most importantly, the Assistant Manager brings many years experience of reining in direct reports who routinely overspend their budget as approved by the MTL Commission (although sometimes with limited success).

This latter experience would come in handy if Commissioner Humphreys’ proposition was true - - that library expenses are out of control. But there are absolutely no facts presented that demonstrate fiscal carelessness. I am confident the Friends would support the Commission if there was such evidence – but the Friends don’t.

Could the Commission know something others don’t? After all, the Municipality does have:

-- Full, unadulterated access to the financial affairs of the library;
-- A Commissioner liaison to the Library Board, and;
-- A cooperative working relationship with the library director.

I doubt it!

The appointment fails the sniff test.

May 20, 2006 8:17 PM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...

Anne Kemerer sent me this comment, which I'm posting with her permission:

There are two main issues here. The first is the conflict of interest that you already mentioned. I think that the letter speaks to that. [ Anne has a letter to The Almanac which appears here.

The second issue is one of financial and intellectual control, although commissioner Humphreys would have you believe that it is about curbing runaway spending. In the article, Mr. Humphreys implies that library
spending has been out of control and needs to be reined in. In fact, the municipal budget for the library has increased an average of just 2.4% a year since 2000, while library usage (as measured by circulation) has risen by 4.8% a year over the same period. (The library has not exceeded its
budget allocation in those years, unlike many other municipal entities.)
Last year's increase in the municipal budget allocation for the library added a whopping 4/100 of one percent to the municipality's budget, so Mr.
Humphreys statement that the library's spending was one cause for the tax increase is simply unfounded.

Mr. Humphreys' also criticizes the library's spending [of taxpayer
dollars] on the courtyard, furniture and other amenities. Again, he does not have
his facts right. The beautiful outdoor courtyard was completely funded by private donations, most raised by the Friends of the Library through their annual book sale and other fund-raising activities. All of the furniture
(besides the basics) was also purchased with donated funds. As to amenities, we have learned through their public statements that some commissioners' idea of amenities includes the audio/visual collection (it should be moved to the Rec Center and rented out to customers), the
computers (we have too many), all of the programs (which are completely funded with private donations!) and comfortable furniture. (One commissioner stated that patrons should not be encouraged to sit and read at
the library, particularly to their children, saying that they should
check out their books and read to their children at home.) Their idea of amenities are what most of us would call library necessities, and it is spending on these amenities that they are calling irresponsible.

The commissioners have a very different view of what a library should be than do the library board of trustees and our award winning library director, Cynthia Richey. Their perfect library is more of a book distribution system than the intellectual community center that currently exists. They have not been able to sway the library board on this issue over the years, so they have now decided to stack the board with
like-minded individuals. The library board has a mission statement to make decisions in
the best interest of the library. Ms. Taylor's mandate from the
commissioners is to rein in costs, which may often be in direct
conflict with sound board decisions. Unless something is done now, our independent
library will become a de facto municipal department, run by these

Let me know if you would like more info.

Anne Kemerer
Mt. Lebanon citizen and member of the Friends of the Mt. Lebanon Public Library

May 24, 2006 5:13 PM  

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