Thursday, September 21, 2006

Blog-Lebo: Comments Policy Revised

I've received several private emails over the last few weeks asking me to reconsider Blog-Lebo's comments policy (which required commenters to have Blogger accounts).

So I did. The settings have been changed; now, anyone can comment. However, comments are moderated (as they are at my other blogs), which means they'll go through me. I very rarely reject comments, but remember: play nice. Anonymous and pseudonymous comments will get extra scrutiny.

Thank you.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

about time ;-)

I don't know why Blogger even has an option to keep comments only to other Blogger users. That's so AOL-like and as we know, everyone hates AOL.

September 21, 2006 9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Blog-Lebo is a great source of Mt. Lebanon news and makes for a natural place to discuss local issues. Thank you for opening up the conversation.


September 21, 2006 10:01 AM  

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