Lebo: MLHS Renovation Project Report
Residents are welcomed and encouraged to attend a public meeting on January 4, 2007 to hear the final report from educational facility planner, Dr. William DeJong. Dr. DeJong will present the information collected during the eight Educational Specifications Committee meetings and the two community workshops held in the fall. The DeJong report will be available at www.mtlsd.org on January 5, 2007.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Mt. Lebanon High School South Gym
Thursday, January 4, 2007
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Mt. Lebanon High School South Gym
Labels: high school, school board
The MLHS renovation will likely be the single largest capital project to be undertaken by the Community - ever.
This will be a very important meeting. The Educational Specifications Committee report will serve as the launch pad for the entire project.
If you can make it - please come.
While the high school needs renovation, one item that I find curious-- why are many items in such disrepair?
Example- they show windows that are sealed with packing tape. This didn't happen overnight, where are the monies going for maintenance? Where is the money going... is it spent wisely, why weren't they fixed as general maintenance.
Another example-- the maintenance staff wanted to spend $750,000 to replace stadium lights. The board seemed ready to accept the bid. Through the diligence of Hart and Remely, they found a supplier that qouted the job for $250,000! That saved $500,000 would be better spent on teaching materials, computers or yes teacher salaries.
We should NOT accept the findings of the HS committee on face value!!!!!
After attending the evening meetings for the high school project, it appeared to me that the majority of suggestions and request by attendees had nothing to do with education. Take the suggestion of incorporating a senior center into the HS. A center is a good idea for MTL, but should it be managed/built by the school board or administration?
Seems that the district has its hands full just teaching, it shouldn't loose focus on its purpose.
If the district cared more about teaching, they would have year-round schools. Instead we have kids going to the mall for 3 months a year.
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