Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lebo Superintendent Meeting

The School District announces:
Community Meeting: New Superintendent Search
A Community Forum will be held on February 27, 2007
7:30 p.m. in the High School South Gym for a community forum to gather input for the search for a new superintendent. Dr. Steve Joel and Dr. William Dean, search consultants with McPherson and Jacobson L.L.C., will faciltate the meeting. Please plan on attending to offer your feedback on the strengths and challenges in the Mt. Lebanon School District and the characteristics and skills you would like to see in the next superintendent. Your feedback, along with the feedback from all key stakeholder groups, will help guide the selection process.
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Blogger Bill Matthews said...

This can be a great opportunity for Community input, not just on the Superintendent selection process but also the district as a whole.

Kudos to the Board for establishing a process of inclusion. See you there!

February 15, 2007 9:51 PM  
Blogger Joe Wertheim said...

This meeting was held tonight. The school board gave the community an opportunity to meet with the consultant who will guide them in hiring a new superintendent for the district. THERE WERE 16 PEOPLE IN THE AUDIENCE. This is a very poor showing.

February 27, 2007 9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The school district website has a link to a "What do you want in a Superintendent" survey that residents can complete and send to McPherson & Jacobson, the search firm.
Anonymous Mom of 3

March 08, 2007 7:20 PM  

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