Thursday, March 15, 2007

Deer Kill Stands At 29 Since Feb. 28

The municipal deer cull in Mt. Lebanon has been under way since late February with 29 deer killed and no reports of complaints or accidents. Mt. Lebanon Public Works Director Tom Kelley said sharpshooters from the U.S. Department of Agriculture were out in the municipality on three dates and killed the following:

Feb. 28: 14 deer taken, in Rockwood Park, McNeilly Park, the Mt. Lebanon Public Golf Course on Pine Avenue, and a municipal compost pile in Robb Hollow Park.

March 6: One deer taken, at Hoodridge Park off Connor Road.

March 8: 14 deer taken at Williamsburg Park and Rockwood Park. Five of those deer also were taken from the yard of a private residence off Bower Hill Road.


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Blogger Matt C. Wilson said...

Rockwood Park? Wow. That's not exactly woodsy, unless they're talking about the woods further down Rockwood beyond the park (heading towards 88).

If they're able to take 14 deer there, in the park, without notice, then these guys aren't mere sharpshooters - they're ninjas.

If they're working the woods though, then that's arguably in Castle Shannon.

March 15, 2007 1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they donating the deer meat to a food bank? My backyard is woods leading to Williamsburg park and I haven't heard a thing.

March 16, 2007 5:54 PM  
Blogger Matt C. Wilson said...

Like I said.


March 19, 2007 11:20 PM  

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