Monday, April 30, 2007

Bradley Center To Close

The Bradley Center, a residential treatment facility for children from traumatic backgrounds, will be moving all children out of its Mt. Lebanon campus, and about 66 workers will be losing their jobs, as a result of higher health care costs, center officials say.



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Anonymous Anonymous said...

pretty sure it'll be more than 66 of us. of the 93 of us, very few were actually offered positions at the robinson campus- which according to the article fired 27 employees (which were those who had been working for the agency <6 months). there are a few like myself that have quit within the past couple weeks, so i'm technically not counted as one of the "66". but i'm still not getting the math here. according to our ceo, only 66 people total will be losing their jobs. 93+27=66?? i've seen the lists. i don't buy it.

and who ends up losing in the long run are the kids. these are kids who have dealt with more than enough neglect and abandonment in their lifetimes- now the very place that they have learned about being able to trust caregivers again is closing and shipping them off to other places- reinforcing the trauma cycle.

the bradley center has done great treatment over the years and i have been honored to be a part of the work done there. i've worked with amazing professionals and hope that the robinson campus continues to thrive and provide quality treatment to these kids. it's just a tragedy that after all the work we've done at Mt. Lebanon- both kids and staff are left feeling unappreciated and abandoned.

May 01, 2007 9:53 PM  

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