Monday, June 25, 2007

Hidden Mt. Lebanon

I have a series of posts on tap called "The Insider's Guide to Mt. Lebanon," modeled ever so loosley after "The Insider's Guide to the Colleges," with a dose or two of my earlier "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Mt. Lebanon School District." Because I no longer use Pittsblog's older comments system, comments to that post have been deleted. But at the time, Dan Remely, then a candidate for the MTLSD School Board, wrote a long and thoughtful partial rebuttal to the H2G2 post, which I posted in full.

Here's a taste of what's to come:

Ever so quietly and ever so gradually, Mt. Lebanon is diversifying and getting more welcoming of non-white and non-traditional families and activities. I see more Chinese families buying homes. I know gay couples here; I assume that there are lesbian couples as well. My family held a garage sale on Saturday; among the people who stopped by were the members of a large, multi-generational Mexican family. I have no idea where they live, but they were enthusiastic bargainers, which I thought was great.

My favorite among recent anecdotes is this one: The soccer field in Bird Park is now the home pitch of Pittmandu FC, an amateur adult soccer club comprised mostly of Nepalese Pittsburghers.


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