Thursday, September 27, 2007

New Option In Hospice Care Opening In Lebo

During his 10 years as a Franciscan monk, Rafael Sciullo developed skills for ministering to the dying. He used them when he later worked as an social worker, and when he assumed leadership in the hospice field as the Chairman of the National Hospice & Palliative Care Association.

Now the former monk and caregiver works in Mt. Lebanon as the president and chief executive officer of Family Hospice & Palliative Care, the largest independent, nonprofit, community-based hospice in Western Pennsylvania.

Next month, the hospice starts taking patients for its new Center for Compassionate Care, a 12-bed facility and education and conference center. The center is located in what was formerly the Ward Home, an orphanage-foster care home, at 50 Moffett Street.



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