Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Blog-Lebo Changes Comments Policy

Since this blog began, Joe and I have wrestled with our policy on anonymous and pseudonymous comments. The arguments pro and con are well-worn; if you care about the history, you can search the archives for the blog.

The bottom line, however, is that the costs outweigh the benefits. Yesterday's posts and comments about the School Board reminded us: Some people cannot control themselves when they're allowed to hide their identities. Citizens of this community volunteer their time and effort to serve on boards and commissions. They often get criticized, and sometimes deservedly so. But they have the courage to stick their necks out there. They deserve the same from their critics.

So Joe and I have decided, finally and once and for all, to change Blog-Lebo's Comments policy. Anonymous comments will not be permitted. Pseudonymous comments will not be permitted. Use your real name. Include contact information (email, website/blog/Blogger profile with real ID, or street name). If you don't, then the Comment won't be posted.

If that discourages Comments, then that's a price that Joe and I are willing to bear. We think that the tradeoff is worth it. And we hope that you'll keep reading.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will miss the many commenters who are being dismissed because of a few bad apples. CitizenA, Mom of 4, PTA Mom, etc. have always had insightful comments and for whatever their reasons, chose to use psydonyms. Many of us do not list our information in public because we don't want the crazies contacting us directly. And Mike, you know there are crazies who read this blog because you get comments from them and ignore them. I hope someone else will take up the task of an unrestricted blog - sadly, as a long-time lurker, I have a feeling this one will not be nearly as interesting any longer :(

C. Boady

December 05, 2007 1:48 PM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...

It's always possible that some commenters who used pseudonyms will now comment under their own names. I hope they will. I agree that CitA, AMo4, PTAMom, and others have often been sources of insight here.

I wish that it were the case that the problems with anonymity and pseudonymity were traceable to a few "crazies," as you call them. I think that's not the case. Over the 2+ years that Joe and I have been writing for this blog, certain topics -- usually but not always related to the school board -- have regularly drawn out the worst in a wide range of Lebo citizens, well-informed and reasonable though they may be in daily life.

Very few commenters here could be called "crazy" in some colloquial sense. Usually, they're your neighbors, and they're civil people. But allow them to put on masks, and they don't always turn into Batman. Sometimes, they turn into the Joker.

December 05, 2007 3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a fair number of people know who I am or can easily find out. I've perhaps been tarred and feathered more than many (see Raja campaign finance, civic involvement, corkage/stem fees etc) since I started chiming in several months ago. For what it's worth, I've not been contacted directly by a blog crazy, my kids get good grades, they get along well with their teachers and friends, no one turfs my lawn, and my property assessment has stayed about the same. In other words, I've not been shunned for publicly sharing my thoughts and opinions. Some folks have approached me and told me they agree or disagree, and we chat about it. Mike M and I even shared a bottle of wine (or 2) at Iovino's and I gladly paid the stem fees (and dinner!) Frankly, that's one of the great things about living in a town where the large majority of people are educated, well-informed and concerned about their community.

So jump in Citizen A, PTA Mom and others . . . the water's great and Bill Matthews doesn't bite.

Dave Franklin

December 05, 2007 4:17 PM  
Blogger Matt C. Wilson said...

As someone who has commented by name for most of the life of this blog, let me go on record:

No TIF proponents, cull opponents, exorbitant stem fee chargers, ultra party beneficiaries, public pathway destroyers, Martha's Playground builders, Megan's Law violator exilers, Reps, Dems, or anyone from Public Works or mtl Magazine have ever harassed me or my family as a result of the comments I've made on this blog. And I'm fairly certain I've said something critical (and frequently insipid, trite, or just plain obnoxious) to all of them.

Come to think of it, Rich W. from Aldo's has never had harsh words for me either, even though I'm the one who submitted the Blue Horse Voted Pgh's #1 Coffee Shop link. (Sorry Rich! :)

So, personally, I have long held that anonymous posting is for the birds. John Gabriel's theory, as they say, is unfortunately incontrovertible. (warning: link contains some vulgar language)

I hope to see more great, critical commentary from the masses, and I hope the artists-formerly-known-by-psuedonym take some courage and continue to contribute.

December 05, 2007 4:25 PM  
Blogger Linda Wilson Fuoco said...

Hooray! for the end of the anonymous posts...Public officials, like 'em or not, do put themselves out there, and we know exactly who they are and where they are. If "we're' going to criticize them -- including elected officials, coaches, school employees, etc., we should be willing to put our names out there and stand behind what we believe. I think the blog will be better and more interesting with names. Personally I have no interest in the comments and criticisms of anonymous posters.
Linda Wilson Fuoco

December 05, 2007 4:40 PM  
Blogger Bill Matthews said...

Mike and Joe:
You both put a tremendous effort into keeping Blog-Lebo running and therefore you get to make the rules. But ... what if people find out I am really Steve Feller...

December 05, 2007 6:14 PM  
Blogger Ron Hoffman said...

I'm very supportive of the decision Mike and Joe have made. I guess my days on the School Board made me particularly sensitive to anonymous emailers to whom I had no way to respond.
This is a special community - the people are involved and active and really do look for the truth. They want to debate and challenge and this blog gives us that opportunity. It's OK to disagree; it's not OK to be disagreeable. It's easier to be disagreeable with anonymity. Kudos to Mike and Joe for a great site.
Ron Hoffman

December 05, 2007 8:57 PM  

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