Friday, January 25, 2008

School Board Approves Preliminary Budget

The school board approved the preliminary budget of $73,563,244, which calls for a 1.19-mill tax hike. School officials have said the budget was formulated strictly to meet the deadline imposed by state Act 1 and is not necessarily the preliminary budget it will adopt.

A more accurate version of the district's preliminary budget will be presented in March and adopted in April. Final budget adoption will be in May.


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Blogger Bill Matthews said...

The Preliminary Budget by definition is meaningless - other than it kicks off the annual school budget season. The school budget is something that requires closer examination and discussion by all. Last year the administration forecast 2009-2010 total expenditures at $78.6 million, a 55% increase in 10 years from the 1999-2000 actual spend of $50.6 million. Through the 2006-2007 year we were are already up 42% (since 2000) in noncapital expenditures.

January 26, 2008 8:43 PM  

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