Saturday, March 01, 2008

Another Look at the 20% Legislative Cut

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette writer Brian O'Neill has posted a new article regarding the proposed 20% cut in costs for the Pennsylvania legislature that is being pushed by State Representative Matt Smith (who represents Mt. Lebanon) and State Representative Randy Vulakovich from the north hills.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to read a story where our representatives are trying to do something smart and responsible with our money.

Thanks to Reps Smith and Vulakovich for their leadership on this issue. This is exactly why we voted for Matt Smith in the first place.

March 02, 2008 8:54 AM  
Blogger Bill Matthews said...

Matt is doing a great job. What a refreshing change!

March 02, 2008 10:14 AM  
Blogger Bob Lee said...

I am a big fan of cutting costs in Harrisburg AND Matt Smith in almost everything else, but reducing the size of the legislature to save money means reducing the number of representatives per constituant.

Matt and I've had this discussion together in person but so few people get to, or take advantage of speaking directly to their representative that it may appear that we don't need this many representatives. And before this election the argument might have been made that so few people cared to talk to their representative we didn't need them. But take a look at the turn out in the polls. Americans are waking up and realizing that you don't have a voice if you don't open your mouth.

A representative of the people is just that someone to work on our behalf. We're fortunate in Matt Smith that we've got someone who listens and responds. And is actually looking for ways to make a difference. This is the easiest way to make that large a difference. But I'm not sure it's the best solution. Like the article says however there's not much chance of it passing anyway. But it does get the discussion going. And risking his own job to do it shows just how serious Matt Smith is to saving our tax dollars.

Let me offer an opportunity to save a couple of bucks in Harrisburg. I've heard that the democrats and the republicans have two separate IT support staffs, each purchases infrastructure and equipment separately all paid for with tax dollars. Each party also has its own media center. How about we consolidate these two groups. There's some potential low hanging fruit. And all parties involved should be embarrased about partison technology.

March 05, 2008 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Normally I would agree with you, but in this case I think we may be over-represented.

If we could somehow show that the extra representation and cost resulted in more effective government, but as of yet I'm not seeing it.

I like your thinking on the cost savings. I'm guessing there are 100 more such examples to be found.

March 06, 2008 5:58 PM  

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