Monday, September 22, 2008

Sign Wars

It's that time of year again when political signs sprout up as quick as weeds around town. We're all used to seeing our neighbors support their choice of politicians, but there's always one that stands out from the rest.

I saw the following sign while traveling on Morrison Drive neat the intersection with Cochran Road. As you can see, the message is very strong -- and depending on your opinion -- is either way off or right on target. I just have to wonder what this homeowner's neighbors think of it.

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Blogger Schultz said...

How one feels about that sign probably depends on how one define socialism.

From Wikipedia: Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

Does this sound like Obama, whose health care plan is basically an extension of the health insurance plans offered by the federal government to our Congressmen? Obama's plan has been labeled "socialist" because people who get their news from the likes of Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity believe that his plan is the same as the single payer health insurance plans in countries like Canada, UK, and France. They are wrong. The details can be found right here if you do not believe me.

Obama's health care plan is all about providing access to affordable health insurance for those citizens without insurance due to pre-existing conditions or lack of employer coverage can get their insurance through the government. Some will argue that it will cost to much, and they have a point, but I would retort with this: We have spent around $600 billion on the Iraq War. What is more important to you? Spending billions on roads and bridges in Iraq or spending that money to take care of American citizens? I choose the latter. If that is socialist then I guess you can call me a socialist.

You know what does sound like socialism though? The current administration's trillion dollar package to bailout and take over some of our financial institutions. If anything that fits the definition I posted above.

September 23, 2008 7:52 AM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...

Maybe this is a Republican voter, but maybe (also) this is a pro-Obama sign? Mt. Lebanon's political landscape is as confusing as any. When the Economist magazine -- no friend of the left -- says that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department are "nationalising the economy faster than you can say Hugo Chávez." Old political labels are getting tossed out the window.

September 23, 2008 7:52 AM  
Blogger Schultz said...

Mike - I know you are playing devil's advocate but I highly doubt that is the case. This sign falls right in line with the fear mongering tactics that have made their way to our email inboxes (Obama is a Muslim, wants to disband our military, etc).

September 23, 2008 6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just you wait... any day now, the Mt.Lebanon sign police are going to be paying a visit :) because its' probably a violation to hang a sign like that - even on your own property

September 23, 2008 8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was amused by this sign for a couple of reasons: (1) Although I'm sure the owner thinks this scores a blow against Obama, I actually think it makes the owner appear pretty nutty. If they are a McCain supporter, they're not doing their candidate any favors.
(2) Any form of insurance is actually a version of socialism--its just one that people can make a buck off of. Whether you belong to BCBS or UPMC, etc, it's still socialist program. And as Schultz and Mike pointed out, even capitalists are gung ho for capitalism if it will cover their rear ends.

September 23, 2008 11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sign is just as illogical as the "McBush" signs I see, trying to portray a guy who has been a darling of the NYTs for years and was a breath away from being John Kerry's VP as somehow comparable to our current president. None of us should be surprised that logic goes out the window at election time.

Ian Donaldson

September 24, 2008 8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess after seeing Bush's address on TV tonight, we could rightfully post signs that say, "A VOTE FOR McBUSH IS A VOTE FOR SOCIALISM". That ought to make someone's head explode.

September 24, 2008 11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a follow up to the sign wars, my wife and I (who are "signless" in this election) have noticed a fair number of McCain signs disappearing from yards in our neighborhood during the night. Our neighbors on either side of us had their signs taken last night. I guess the GOP and its minions don't have a monoply on asinine behavior after all.

Ian Donaldson

October 04, 2008 10:03 AM  
Blogger Charlotte Stephenson said...

I found this blog to point out that our two McCain yard signs were stolen this week and within one day of putting them up. We paid for them. It appears that some folks around here believe that stealing property is justified as long as the desired result is achieved. Oh, and what about my freedom of speech? Hm....potential shades of things to come? The Mt. Lebanon Police are aware of yard signs being stolen and if you are caught, you will be fined.

October 05, 2008 11:31 PM  
Blogger Joe Polk said...

Unfortunately, I do not think that Democrats or Republicans have a monopoly on stealing signs from people's yards. This seems to be something that has happened everywhere and every election. One year I had a Harry Browne for President (Libertarian in 1996) and it was stolen as well. I think I was the only person in town with that sign. Maybe that's why someone wanted it! :)

October 06, 2008 1:48 AM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...

Where to begin.

Taking signs from other people's yards is indefensible. And it doesn't matter whether the sign owner paid for the sign. Stealing is gift is still stealing.

There is no evidence that the Obama campaign or Obama volunteers took any McCain signs. That is speculation. I can speculate, too: Snarky high school kids took the signs. The McCain campaign or McCain volunteers took the signs in order to sell them a second time. There is no evidence of any of this. If there were some organized program to take McCain signs, then there would be no McCain signs in Mt. Lebanon. But there are lots of them.

Let us assume, for the moment and contrary to the non-existent evidence, that Obama volunteers took some McCain signs. What does this tell us about the likely conduct of a possible Obama administration? Nothing. (Just as: What does a Tiny Fey impersonation tell us about the conduct of a possible Palin administration?) If you want to know something about the likely (mis)conduct of a possible presidential administration, look to really dangerous, and damaging dirty tricks played by the campaign. See Dick, Tricky.

I hope that the Mt. Lebanon Police Department has better things to do than chase sign-removers. This town, like this country, has serious problems and serious issues. Let's focus on those, rather than on trivia.

October 06, 2008 8:26 AM  
Blogger Charlotte Stephenson said...


I agree with your first three statements, and the last. Don't jump to conclusions, though. The police will fine anyone caught stealing signs, but this is not the focus of the work they do. Certainly, there are more important issues, but as you said, stealing is stealing and fines will apply if individuals are caught doing that. I think it is a good thing that they are concerned with this along with other more important issues.

October 06, 2008 8:42 AM  
Blogger Jefferson Provost said...

Of course, if your sign is stolen, it could be a good thing for your candidate's campaign.

October 15, 2008 1:26 AM  
Blogger Joe Polk said...

Hey...if you don't want any of your signs may want to try this!

October 20, 2008 1:21 PM  

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