Thursday, February 12, 2009

Full Names, Please

[Putting on my best Mr. Roarke voice] Full names, everyone. Full names.

There are some lively conversations going on at Blog-Lebo, but I've rejected a number of well-written and thoughtful comments today solely because they were signed only with a first name. In a couple of cases I knew the comment was coming or know the commenter personally and could clear up the confusion immediately, on my own. But those are exceptional cases. Your Blogger ID isn't enough if your Blogger ID doesn't lead everyone to a real full name. The easiest solution is simply to type your name at the end of your comment.

If you submitted a comment and you don't see it on the site, then odds are that you didn't include a full name. Feel free to submit your comment, signed.

To avoid possible ambiguity, and for the benefit of first-time readers, I have moved our existing Comments Policy to the top of the right column.

[Update 2/13: Based on email from a number of readers, it seems that Blogger is eating comments without forwarding them to me and Joe. If you submit a signed comment and it doesn't appear on the site within a few hours, please email one of us. The Google Fairies may have taken it hostage, and resubmission may be the only way to liberate it.]
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Blogger Melissa said...

whoops. my fault. is there any way for me to retrieve my comments and simply re-post them?

melissa ott

February 12, 2009 9:44 PM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...

[I deleted my earlier version of this comment and reposted it, hoping that Blogger would understand the mailto link. No such luck. So I'm trying again.]

If you email me at, I can dig out your comment and send it back to you.

The same offer applies to other recent "first name only" commenters who would like to remember what they wrote!

February 13, 2009 11:11 AM  

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