Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Keeping The Peace In Mt. Lebanon

NOTE: This editorial was from last week's Almanac, but was only recently posted to their web site:

Did the Mt. Lebanon commissioners put the cart before the horse?

In creating a balanced budget, township officials added $30,000 in the revenue column from projected alcohol and food sales at a yet-to-be realigned clubhouse at the municipal golf course. Public resistance to the plan, though, may leave a funding gap in the township’s bank account.

Read more here....

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Blogger Bill Matthews said...

All the noise about potentially losing $30,000 from the revenue side and messing with the "balanced budget" should take a back seat to a more pressing Municipal budget issue. The Commission capriciously removed hundreds of thousands of dollars from the expense side of the 2009 budget to deliver a small tax decrease; in particular, the Commission dumped funding for streets and the like. Now we either pass on maintaining our infrastructure, or irresponsibly take on more debt for items that should be handled on a pay-as-you go basis.

March 26, 2009 10:55 AM  

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