Saturday, March 14, 2009

School Chief Changes Cost $650,000

While most school districts average one superintendent every six years, Mt. Lebanon has had four in that span at a cost of more than more than $650,000 to taxpayers.

"It costs some bucks, and from the taxpayers' standpoint, it's not a good thing," said Jake Haulk, president of the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy and a resident of Mt. Lebanon for 28 years.

The school board voted this week to pay Nebraska head-hunting firm McPherson & Jacobson $13,500 plus expenses for a search to replace Superintendent John R. Allison. He is quitting his $156,000-a-year job at the end of June to head Wichita Public Schools in Kansas.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

While the turnover may be "happenstance" is it also happenstance that the HS art dept. head complained about the lack of funds for quality and quantity materials for her dept. because of ongoing budget cuts?
Is it happenstance that we eliminated tuning pianos or calibrating microscopes due to budget cuts? Could this money have been spent to add a teacher or TA to reduce class sizes at Washington?
In addition to the money spent, how many manhours went into each leadership change that could've been spent improving curriculum? Could we have invested more toward the teacher's retirement fund? Put that money towrd healthcare or raises? Paid off some construction debt, making the HS project less painful?
And what about PR. Does the instability have any influence with parents looking to locate in the area?
Is it NOW an accepted fact that every 1-2 years we will incurred $17,000 superintendent searches and $10,000 moving costs?
D. Spahr

March 16, 2009 12:19 PM  

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