Monday, June 08, 2009

Mt. Lebanon Church's Statue Of The Virgin Mary Damaged By Vandals

The grotto dedicated to the Blessed Mother at St. Bernard Church in Mt. Lebanon was meant to be a place of serenity where parishioners could go to meditate or pray.

But the scene was anything but serene Saturday morning, when a worker opening the church found a statue of the Virgin Mary in the grotto damaged and defaced. The statue had been knocked over, with its left arm and several pieces of the left side broken off.

In addition, 666 was written across the statue's forehead in orange paint. "It's just a really horrific act," said the Rev. David J. Bonnar, who has been pastor at St. Bernard for just two weeks


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Anonymous Cliff Tuttle said...

I will bet that the perpetrators will be found in a few weeks or less. They are almost certainly two or three stupid young boys who live within a few miles from the scene of the crime. Initially, they had no idea what turmoil they set off, thinking it was just a prank.

After the desecration was reported in the news, the excitement will be too much for these indiscrete juveniles to keep silent. There will be a certain amount bragging among their peer group followed by repetition to others. The story will circulate until it finds its way to someone who will expose their identity.

Cliff Tuttle

June 08, 2009 9:23 PM  

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