Saturday, August 08, 2009

Admin Notes About Blog-Lebo

Blog-Lebo is creeping forward into the 21st century: You can now follow the blog via Twitter. Here's the link, if you're a Twitter user:

There are no plans to "tweet"; instead, blog posts will show up as tweets automatically, via the magic of RSS.

I'm not a Twitter fan, so I set up the account somewhat grudgingly and only after learning yesterday that someone else -- not Joe, and not me -- had set up a Twitter account to tweet Blog-Lebo comments. That's the reason for the slightly odd account name. The Twitter account for comments appropriated the BlogLebo name.

I'm not thrilled about this, largely because our "full names, please" comments policy means that your comments are now being tweeted publicly without your knowledge or permission. I could shut down the comments feed. I don't plan to do that. The "full names, please" policy means that commenters are expected to stand behind what they write, and the blog already gets several hundred visits per day -- far more traffic than the Twitter account reflects. So while I'm not thrilled, on balance I can live with it.

The mechanics of Twitter mean that there is no way for me to find out who set up the comments account. Of course, our mystery guest could always identify himself/herself. For the future, however, a request: If you want to remix or repurpose Blog-Lebo content -- other than linking to or quoting blog posts -- please contact me or Joe to discuss it. Thanks.


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