Thursday, November 12, 2009

Residents And Groups Donating To Libraries To Cover Shortfall

When members of the Dormont/Castle Shannon/Mt. Lebanon Rotary Club heard about the severe funding cuts to community libraries, they turned to flower power.

The club sells poinsettias each year at the holidays to raise money for community projects. This year, proceeds from the sale will be split among the Dormont, Mt. Lebanon and Castle Shannon libraries.

"The way the libraries are, we thought we'd help them out," member Jason Baer said. "We give money to libraries from other efforts but, as a board, we decided maybe we could help them out more."


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Anonymous Bob Reich, Jr. said...

Free enterprise and community spirit at work hand in hand. See? The government doesn't have to do everything.

November 13, 2009 12:53 PM  

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