Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Richard Baumhammers' Death Warrant Signed

Gov. Ed Rendell signed a death warrant Tuesday for Richard Baumhammers, 44, of Mt. Lebanon, who killed five people during a racially motivated shooting spree in 2000.

Baumhammers is scheduled to die by lethal injection March 18. He's being held at State Correctional Institution-Greene.

Read more: www.thepittsburghchannel.com/news/22277330/detail.html

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Blogger Marjorie E. Crist, Esq. said...

Strange emotions with this piece of news tonight. He was a classmate of mine from K through 12 so I remember him when he was a little blonde haired kid named "Ricky" on the playground with the rest of us. What he did is beyond horrific.

I haven't followed the case so I don't know where they are in terms of appeals or plans for a stay. In Penna. since the death penalty returned only 3 have been executed and all of them basically gave up their legal battle and "volunteered" to be put to death.

January 19, 2010 9:46 PM  

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