Wednesday, June 09, 2010

$500,000 Grant To Foster Cyber-Learning Programs

A $500,000 grant unveiled Wednesday by U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire at the Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center in Midland will help several Pennsylvania school districts develop their own cyber-learning programs.

"I have a passion for education. I know how important it is," said Altmire, D-4, McCandless Township, in describing the grant as an investment in the state's children.

Local districts involved in the project include Big Beaver Falls Area, Beaver Area, Quaker Valley and Mount Lebanon. Erie School District will also participate.

Mount Lebanon Superintendent Tim Steinhauer said he was interested in how his students would benefit from foreign language and science instruction as well as classes for students to recover credits that they might have lost because of medical reasons.

"We're looking for the opportunity to explore what the possibilities are," he said.

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Anonymous David Huston said...

This is a one-time grant for ongoing salaries.
Does anyone else see yet another tax increase to pay for this ongoing expense, to the tune of another quarter mill, starting in 2012?

June 10, 2010 10:58 AM  

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