Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Almanac: Mt. Lebanon man tests knowledge on Jeopardy!

Vito Cortese, now of Mt. Lebanon, won $5 for his efforts as a contestant on Junior High Quiz about 30 years ago when the television show was hosted by Ricki Wertz.

As for how much money he recently won as a contestant on Jeopardy! well, the South Hills will have to wait.

Cortese, 45, will make his first taped appearance on Jeopardy! Nov. 3. He can't say how long he remained on the shows taped at the end of August, or how much money he may or may not have won.

Read the full article:

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Blogger Matthew said...

IIRC, Blog-Lebo founder Michael Madison appeared on Jeopardy several years ago.

October 29, 2010 3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our family couldn't be prouder of Vito. He is a great guy. I am sure he represented Mt Lebanon well. We will be tuned in next week!
Kelly Fraasch

October 29, 2010 10:22 PM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...

Indeed I did, in 2001. "Before the Internet," so to speak.

I tried out at an in-person test-and-audition held in Pittsburgh.

So I had to laugh at this absurd line from The Almanac:

"Previously, before the Internet, contestants applied to appear on the show through local auditions. Luck was definitely involved.

Now, selection as a contestant requires intellect."


Most of the would-be contestants at my audition left with nothing but a Jeopardy! pencil for their troubles, for they had not passed the qualifying exam. 50 questions in 15 minutes.

Some luck! ;-)

October 30, 2010 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Liz Mazur said...

Mt. Lebanon also had a teen jeopardy winner who is presently a MLHS senior - Chris Weis.

October 31, 2010 5:55 PM  

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