Sunday, November 06, 2011

Update on write-in candidates for school board (updated 3)

Updated 2011-11-06 19:30: Added write-in candidate Charlotte Stephenson’s statement.
Updated 2011-11-07 00:20: Added candidate James Cannon’s statement.
Updated 2011-11-07 19:00: Added statements from write-in candidates Paula Bongiorno and Joseph Wertheim.

Recently, the James Cannon campaign announced four write-in candidates for the school board. The announcement alone isn’t much to go on, however; people understandably want to know more about these last-minute candidates and what they stand for. If you’re among them, here are three more sources of information.

First, over on the Lebo Citizen’s Blog, write-in candidate Rudy Bies has offered his answers to the questions the PTA asked other candidates.

Second, Matt Kluck wrote to us to let us know about a joint position statement from James Cannon and the four write-in candidates. This statement sets out the candidates’ views on government, in general, and the school district and high-school project, in particular. It also suggests that the candidates see reform at the state level as important for reducing inequities in our local tax burdens.

Third, write-in candidate Charlotte Stephenson has offered a personal statement outlining her goals and qualifications for serving on the school board.

Regardless of your views on the write-in challenge to the school-board incumbents, research all of the candidates and be sure to vote on November 8!


James Cannon has also written in with a personal statement, in which he describes his background, qualifications, and views on local government. (Since many people seem to be looking at this post for the views of the Cannon campaign and the associated write-in candidates, this post seems the logical place to add his statement.)


Now all four write-in candidates have made some kind of statement about their positions:
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Blogger Bill Matthews said...

I for one -- am thrilled to have a slate of write in candidates.

Knowing all four as I do, I will gladly vote for all four, in addition to James Cannon.

I wish Mr. Cooper and Mr. Goldman the best. They both deserve a shot far more than any of the incumbents. Regrettably I have only 5 votes. If the Community selects one or both of these gentlemen - I am very confident they will serve our District with distinction.

As to Mrs. Capucci, I very much like Elaine, but I cannot get passed the condition of the High School Project.

As to Mr. Lebowitz, I like all the newcomers better.

As to Mr. Kubit -- I have a strong preference for School Directors that are honest with the Community and have a mastery of the facts. This would not be Ed.

November 06, 2011 6:39 PM  
Anonymous John Kendrick said...

The write-in candidates need to ensure that their names are stated clearly, uniformly, and consistently. This may be easier said than done. Maybe their voters should be coached to write their names consistently on a small piece of paper that they can carry to the polling place?

November 06, 2011 10:31 PM  
Anonymous John Kendrick said...

I also want to add that I think that it is wonderful that these candidates have stepped-forward to run for office. Other than Charlotte, I don't know the other candidates, but I do know Charlotte and I think that she'd be a great addition to the Board.

One very unfortunate reality in our community is that while most of our residents share our common values, the machine has lost touch with their base. The endorsement process has been a complex bureaucracy which has been closed to many residents. Even listening to the various powers to be talk - they seem to have a perspective that they "own" the community. The rest of us, even if we own real property, simply rent space in their garden.

Regardless of the outcome, getting a slate of candidates who can potentially make a difference is the only way to address this imbalance of power.

No matter who you support, please vote and be heard.

November 07, 2011 2:58 AM  
Blogger Bill Matthews said...

Voted as charged!

The electronic voting machines make write-in ballots very easy and something we could get use to.

November 08, 2011 7:36 AM  
Anonymous Les Denton said...

Thought you would like to know, I just voted. While I was standing in line, I inquired about writing in candidates. The fellow who was facilitating said "Wow, somebody has been effective. A lot of people have been asking how to write in."

This is working. If you haven't voted yet, please print your flier and write in these 4 great candidates!

November 08, 2011 9:46 AM  
Blogger Lebo Citizens said...

Here is a link to the handout. write-in handout
Elaine Gillen

November 08, 2011 10:19 AM  
Anonymous David Brown said...

I noticed today that Bill Matthews was the first in his precinct to vote.

November 08, 2011 10:43 PM  

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