Monday, June 23, 2008

Fear, Loathing, and Anonymity: A Rant

I posted recently here about anonymity and comments. I posted recently here about shenanigans on the School Board. I posted recently here about anonymity and bias and retribution.

In all cases, I went out of my way to be restrained and polite, hoping against hope that readers would write in and explain away my confusion about School Board politics and assure me that my perceptions of Mt. Lebanon culture are mistaken. Alas, no; today's crop of comments brought this, which I reproduce in full:

Franci Eberz says to SUPPORT YOUR CAUSES OPENLY. Um, yeah. Ok Franci. Weren't YOU part of Sue Rose's campaign? And that ridiculous lawsuit that was dropped against Save Mt Lebanon Schools PAC? The irony here is thick!

Here you have the perfect example of why people want to post about these things anonymously. I'd put my name, but Franci, Cohen, and Rose might sue me like they did Lynch and Smeltzer. Yet you still contend that there is no chance at repercussions of using your name?

If I know of what you speak, then the republican coercion probably has to do with Blescak (sp?) running against Matt Smith. He was at best their third choice. You have to wonder what happened to the two people before him. I do know. According to your post, you think what I know to be true is impossible. Its a tough subject. You bring it up in a public forum and name names, people will really start to get upset.

Instead of just wiping it away as a curiosity, you might want to give it some thought.


I'm not posting this because I agree with it; I'm posting it because it makes me mad.

[Rant mode on.]

We get comments at Blog-Lebo that are anonymous and pseudonymous, and we delete them. But we read them first, and guess what? People in Mt. Lebanon use them to rant at us and at all kinds of things, knowing full well that their comments won't get on the blog. There is lots and lots of anger here. Is Mt. Lebanon really a seething cauldron of hate and fear?

The anonymous and pseudonymous ranting know-it-alls should get a life and stop bothering us. Rant by name or don't rant at all. When I rant, I put my name on the post.

The biggest problem in Mt. Lebanon today may not be a declining tax base and the prospect of necessary but enormous capital expenditures by the town and the school district -- although these are huge problems. The biggest problem in Mt. Lebanon today may be gutless citizenry that gets intimidated by a tiny, unnamed, so-called power structure and refuses to stand up publicly for what they think is right and true. The few words that characterize Mt. Lebanon today are not "upscale" or "neighborly" or "involved" but "afraid" and "fearful."

The real estate community and the town's public information office may not like that description. Want it to change? Do they? Do you? Read on.

Is anyone afraid to comment on school board issue because Franci, Cohen, and Rose (or anyone else) might sue you? That's an absolutely tragic thing, and it's a scathing indictment of dysfunctionality in this "community with character." Getting sued for anything is no fun at all. It's stressful, anxiety-producing, expensive, and time-consuming -- even if you win. I know, and not just because I'm a lawyer. But is this the United States of America or is this the Soviet Union? Don't be a wimp. Stand up for your rights to speak freely about public affairs. Don't whine about your neighbors and cower gutlessly in the corner. Do that, and nothing ever changes. Work on fixing the problem -- and talking publicly is one way to do that -- or shut up about it. Don't like this blog? Fine: start your own. They're free.

I've been watching the European Championship soccer tournament, and like every soccer fan outside of Italy, I'm disgusted by the Italians who fake injuries in order to stop the game and stop the attacks by their opponents. You know what disgusts me even more? The referees who let them get away with it. If I can identify the fakers thousands of miles away, on ESPN, the referees can identify them less than 100 yards away. The referees can eject a player or two for that. What would happen? Eventually the players would get the message. And they'd stop.

Mt. Lebanon doesn't belong to any party committee, and it doesn't belong to any imaginary coterie of social disciplinarians who punish people who get out of line. It belongs to me, and to you, and to all of our neighbors. I think that those social disciplinarians don't exist, and/or their power is all in *your* minds. If you think that they really exist and if they really seem to have the power you claim, then I call b***s*** or, in polite company, I call shenanigans. In other words, they're bullies, and they deserve to be called out and thrashed like any and all bullies. We wouldn't tolerate this behavior if it happened to our kids on the playgrounds at any of Lebo's elementary schools. Why tolerate it among adults?

[/rant mode off]


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Blogger Schultz said...

Mike - since you're on the topic of the immaturity of some people here, and freedom of speech, I just wanted to add that some people around town are ripping down Barack Obama yard signs and are also posting notes with derogatory statements on signs and doors. I learned the other day that this incident was not isolated to my street or even my neighborhood.

Posting a sign in my yard indicating support of my candidate is free speech - and it's on my private property. We do not live in Zimbabwe, where you would be murdered for supporting the wrong candidate. People in Mt Lebanon who do not like Barack Obama (and throughout the US for that matter) should find comfort in the fact that they can support another candidate without having to fear retaliation.

If you don't like Obama - thats fine with me, but instead of taking down signs and all this other nonsense why wouldn't you instead focus your energy on helping your candidate win? Ripping down yard signs or sending out slanderous emails won't be enough to defeat Obama in November, so, I guess I should find some comfort in the fact that the opposition is resorting to such juvenile tactics.

Another yard sign is up in its place and I'll make sure that those signs that were ripped down in front of other households are replaced as well. The MLPD is aware of this string of incidents so if you know of someone on either side that does this sort of thing tell them to knock it off. Let's hope that both sides get the message and it can be a clean fight from here on out.

June 23, 2008 9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I can't say I'm a current Lebo resident, I guess I'm a little too rational to live there anymore. Also, I had Mrs. Rose for 5th grade and she can be quite intimidating.

All kidding aside, you guys run a solid blog here and clearly love the old Lebo. It's a shame to hear that there is such cowardice among some of Pittsburgh's rich and powerful. Seriously, the lawyers and doctors (but not the law professors or firemen) are worried about a conspiracy from the school board?

When you first pulled one of my comments because I posted under a pseudonym, I thought you were just being paranoid, now I know better. Good luck making Lebo better the honest way, if you or Joe ever want to run for school board I'd care about a Lebo election for the first time since I voted for Ian Glinka.

Jonathan Cavell

June 23, 2008 9:35 PM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...

Both my kids were in Mrs. Rose's classroom at Markham. She is a great teacher.

June 23, 2008 10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, I'm not quite sure where to start. I completely agree with your comment that Mt. Lebanon is not controlled by one political party, one special interest group or any other single group of crazies. Instead, I believe that the folks that anonymously scream and rant represent a very, very small portion of our community. To the extent this group (or those they fear) have any real power or influence, its not because they're in control (or even because they're right). And its certainly not because others in Mt. Lebanon feel coerced into silence. Its simply because the rest of us - rightly or wrongly - are too busy working, raising our families, coaching the kids on our street, worrying about paying for gas (or the mortgage or college), or simply being good friends to our neighbors to get caught up in petty, anonymous fights.

Let's face it, I doubt that most of our residents could pick the School Board or the Commission out of lineup, let alone know who to fear or opine on the merits of the recent election lawsuit. Try it out - walk down any street in Mt. Lebanon with Dan Miller or Ed Kubit and ask the residents if they know who they are. My guess is you'll get more blank stares than right answers. And oddly, I'm okay with that. Why? Because I know that Mt. Lebanon is layered with so many good and decent people (including lifelong residents, quality newcomers like yourself, dedicated elected officials and an excellent hired staff) that it has its own built-in system of checks and balances. This unique system allows the large majority of us to go about our lives without the fear and loathing that the anon posters and certain others would urge us to have. Like thousands of other residents, I choose to take great comfort in knowing that the majority of us (whether Rep or Dem, liberal or conservative, white collar or blue collar, married or single, gay or straight, homeowner or renter, pro-swimming pool or anti-swimming pool) have better, more productive things to do with our time, and Mt. Lebanon is a better place to live because of us - not them.

I mean seriously, should I fear Dale Colby - a good-hearted family man who has given most of his adult life to the community?

Should I fear Joe DeIuliis or Dan Miller - two genuinely normal guys who have been nothing but open-minded gentlemen during their first term as Commissioners?

Should I fear Elaine Capucci or perhaps Jo Posti - two community leaders and mothers whose concern and interest for our children is genuine as best I can tell?

Should I fear Dr. Allison - who by my observations just might be one of the most down to earth, good guys to set foot in Mt. Lebanon in a long time?

Should I fear Raja - the successful businessman who cares enough about our future that he is willing to re-invest his own money into new community projects?

Should I fear Steve Feller - an intelligent and respected township manager that most communities would love to swap for?

Sometimes its rather comical . . . folks like Citizen A believe that there's some sort of star chamber or mafia-like influence that keeps interested and good people out of the process (whether it be education, government, etc). Quite to the contrary, I can't think of a community where it is easier for an interested citizen to become engaged in the decision making process. Unfortunately, as we saw with the last few elections, too few people choose to exercise even the simple right to vote.

Mike, Mt. Lebanon is about as far from a conspiracy theory as you can find, despite what the anon posters or the few regulars at the School Board and Commission meetings would have you believe. I truly wish that those folks would direct their energies to something more productive.

June 24, 2008 9:48 AM  
Blogger Joe Wertheim said...

Just a quick correction. Mrs Sue Rose, who is on the school board, is not the Mrs. Rose who taught at Markham for many years.

June 24, 2008 6:05 PM  
Blogger Mike Madison said...

Joe and others, yes, I know that the Markham Mrs. Rose and the School Board Mrs. Rose are different people, and when I read Jonathan's comment it didn't occur to me that he or others might have combined them. (The Markham Mrs. Rose had an intimidating reputation!) Sorry if my own comment perpetuated any confusion. But I do know the difference! Mike

June 24, 2008 6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike said,” The biggest problem in Mt. Lebanon today may not be a declining tax base and the prospect of necessary but enormous capital expenditures by the town and the school district -- although these are huge problems.”

Thank you for discussing a real issue. Mike, Moody’s called the school district debt “above average” in 2003 when we issued the $50,000,000 of elementary school bonds. Now the architect is saying a fine arts degree will be more valuable than an MBA. Do I want this advice for $100,000,000?
I like fine arts but what changed our main emphasis?

John Ewing

June 24, 2008 11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration at the nut cases who rant and rave and yet are too cowardly to sign their names to their screeds. It would be nice if we could think of them as harmless crackpots. However, I understand through this blog that we have people in this community who are actually defacing and destroying political campaign signs. How despicable! I have spent most of my life living and working in countries where democracy is something very recent and only thinly applied. I freely admit that I will not be voting for Mr. Obama, but I would sooner have my hand chopped off than to destroy one of his signs. One of the basic tenets of this nation is reflected in a statement attributed to Voltaire, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. Our system of government is so obviously appealing that forty times more people apply for resident visas than are granted annually. I have to remind some of my more radical friends that although we have a definite illegal immigrant problem, the people sneaking in to the U.S. are not coming here to kill us but to get jobs. Although I consider myself a conservative Republican I have a hard time condemning anyone for that. The immigration policy of the U.S. is the strength of this country. It takes great courage to leave your home, your family and to try to make it in a new place. We have the cream of the crop. Every country has sent us their smartest, toughest and most courageous people. How could we not succeed? Mt. Lebanon reflects that in every facet of our community. We have always had interested and caring people serving on our community boards. They either serve for no pay (school board) or for a pittance (town council). Have we ever elected incompetent or stupid people? Of course! This is usually corrected when they are not reelected. We also have our share of people who are like those small yapping dogs, who are not dangerous, just annoying. Some of them show up routinely at our public meetings. Although most of them rant about usually inconsequential items and are generally ignored, they are still treated with respect, because they have the courage to voice their opinions publicly. I too sleep well at night not knowing personally every member of the school board or city council, because this microcosm of America is made up of mostly decent people who truly are good neighbors.

June 25, 2008 8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The architect actually said my BFA will be more valuable than an MBA?!!!!
Damn, that cinches it for me - without question, let's do whatever he suggest.
-Dean Spahr

June 25, 2008 11:39 AM  
Blogger Schultz said...

James - thank you for the follow up comment, I pretty much agree with everything you said.

June 25, 2008 1:23 PM  

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