Saturday, January 17, 2009

Video and Presentation from High School Renovation Community Forum

The Mt. Lebanon School Board has posted the video and slide presentation from last Wednesday night's Community Forum on the High School renovation. All of the materials are available for download at the High School Renovation Blog.

The video files are embedded in MS Windows Media Players, so they are easy to watch on the Renovation Blog. (In the future, the School District might consider saving storage space and expense by creating a Mt. Lebanon School District channel on YouTube, and having the videos hosted there.)

The slideshow is a relatively large PDF file that isn't easy or fast to download if you don't have a broadband connection. To simplify viewing the slides, and to make the process fast and easy for everyone, I've put the slides online in an iFrame viewer (below). The School District may ask me to take the file down, and if the District does then I will. I am optimistic, however, that District and Board will appreciate the broader viewership that this format provides and that the file will stay up. (I also hope that future presentations will be published in an iFrame format or its equivalent, so that they don't have to be downloaded at all.)

MTLSD Community Forum Jan 14 2009


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Blogger Bill Matthews said...

Darn cool technology!

January 17, 2009 2:55 PM  
Blogger Bill Matthews said...

Slide #66 of the District presentation has had a clarification statement added at the bottom of the slide since the meeting: "This slide has been updated from the Community Meeting Presentation (01/14/08) to reflect that escalation has been included in these budgets.”

At Wednesday’s Forum, the PJ Dick representative indicated that while the slide stated “Escalation Beyond 2009” was "TBD", the numbers on the slide were escalated into the future (2012, I think). Further, the escalation reference was an error. In essence, PJ Dick said it had followed through on its commitment to escalate the projections.

Now take a look back at Slide # 64. Here we see Hard Cost estimates dated December 2008. These were prepared for the Board’s December administrative briefing. Confounding me is that the numbers are the same. Further they all match the numbers we received at the Design Advisory Committee meeting (01/06/09), when PJ Dick said the numbers were not escalated.

Are they escalated or not? This is not a fatal flaw by any means – just another reminder we all need to check our work.

January 17, 2009 8:14 PM  
Blogger Bill Matthews said...

Question answered - - I have it from a realiable source that all the numbers are in fact ... escalated.

January 19, 2009 9:54 PM  

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