Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Vehicle Strikes 12-Year-Old Boy In Mt. Lebanon

Police are now questioning a 77-year-old woman after she allegedly struck a 12-year-old boy with her car Monday near Beverly Road and Newburn Drive in Mount Lebanon.

According to a witness, the boy was trying to cross Newburn Drive when he was hit by the car, causing him to fly through the air.

Read more: www.kdka.com/local/Mount.Lebanon.Car.2.1738324.html

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Blogger Marjorie E. Crist, Esq. said...

With the level of damage to the car, it's either a hit and run or she has some level of dementia and needs guidance (family or social work) to stop driving.

May I lament? Back in the old days before fear of everything, before hyper scheduling, before Wii and xBox the kids ruled the streets. Kids played outside and were a part of the expected landscape for drivers. Generalizing here but when I was a kid (70s) the cars slowed down and waited for the kids to get out of the way....the average driver expected to see and reacted to kids playing. Now the rare kid out playing in a street is expected to be much more reactionary to the driver allowing the driver to continue on their way without the "hassle" of slowing down.

Last year while taking my daughter out on her training wheels (mid suburban street oh my!) we developed an ongoing sarcasm when a car approached. She was to ride her bike over to the curb, stop, look at the car and wait for it to slow down (to pass). We would say this but as the car sped by (which most did without missing a beat) we would change it to "...wait for it to slow down (car passes fast) OR MAYBE NOT!!" we would sarcastically say or at times yelled at the car.

No matter how careful we are or think we are drivers need to realize a kid can bolt out in front you in a moments notice. I had an incident last year driving where I saw the little guy on one side of the street with dad, he was looking at mom on the other side of the street, I was rushing to get my kid to a birthday party BUT thankfully I was also thinking as I put my foot on brake pedal "he's going to bolt." He bolted, I braked and dad, one of the most responsible citizens/parents around, turned white as a ghost. ;)

June 08, 2010 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Marjie. When I lived in Mt. Lebo, we tried to "take back the streets" but got chased off by the continuous stream of unrelenting drivers. I don't blame the Wii though, I blame the drivers.

Bernie Pike

June 16, 2010 10:00 AM  

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